Berean Baptist Church
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Local Missions

Feed NM Kids

New Mexico leads the nation in childhood hunger (25% of children in NM live in food insecure homes), 48th in childhood well being, 48th in childhood health, and 50th in education.

Berean Baptist Church has partnered with Feed New Mexico Kids, Inc. to help provide snack packs for food insecure children at Bellehaven and Hawthorne Elementary Schools.

Through donations of nutritious snackable food items that a child may open and eat on the spot, we aim to get weekend food to any child in NM who has need whether or not they have a home, a responsible adult in their lives, or are simply in a season where the family has fallen on hard times.

By donating specific items, we provide not only food, but hope to those children in need.

Local School Partners

We are honored to partner with some of our local schools in helping them invest in the future generations. Whether it is helping with events (such as back-to-school nights, field days, literacy programs, etc…), providing hygiene and other necessities, or showing appreciation to teachers and administration, it is our honor to help our community.